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Ayurveda: The science of aging

Physicians joke that no matter how good we are, our patients will die at some point. It is true that, regardless of human inventiveness and new technologies, we shall all eventually go on the trip into the unknown known as death.

Modern medicine aims to postpone that journey and improve our quality of life while we are still alive. Ayurveda provides humanity with the best chance of reaching both of these objectives.


7 Dhatus in Ayurveda : The Building blocks of the human body.

According to Ayurveda dhatu are the building blocks of the human body.

Dhatu is thought to be the foundation of development and survival because it is derived from the root word DAA, which meaning "foundation" or "that which bears.". in terms of the human body dhatu is described as functional entities or tissues which nourish the body and are supported.


Brahmi: “The herb of grace”

Brahmi is a centuries-old Ayurvedic medicinal herb. Certain neurological illnesses have few treatment options in Western medicine, so hospitals and research institutes around the world are increasingly turning to Ayurvedic medicine for more effective and safer possibilities.


Nutrition or Diet Mistakes You Make When You Start Exercising

To lose weight and avoid lifestyle diseases, the majority of individuals rely on exercise. This is why ‘bodybuilding’ for fitness and ‘fitness’ training for healthy living are considered as two. On the other hand, exercisers have many unhealthy behaviours. One of them is ‘Diet Mistakes’. Exercisers are less likely to inquire about what to eat...

Breakfast – the Secret to better health

Breakfast – the Secret to better health

Breakfast is considered the most important meal of the day. Some people wake up hungry and ready to eat, while others do not. Here are some of the reasons why a small snack like a banana or a piece of wheat toast will help jump-start your day and boost your overall health. Ayurveda is all...

nasya in ayurveda– Nasal & Head Treatment

nasya in ayurveda– Nasal & Head Treatment

Nasya in Ayurveda represented as an ultimate treatment for healing and cleansing. And It’s a fundamental part of panchakarma treatment, Nasya means the administration of oils, powders, herbal juices, infusions, or smoke through the nasal root. It is specifically designed for ENT disorders that mean your ears, nose and throat disorder. Nasya is an ancient...

What are the difference between ayurveda and naturopathy?

What are the difference between ayurveda and naturopathy?

In many cases, peoples ask the question what is the difference between naturopathy and Ayurveda ? Here we will explain the major differences between Ayurveda and naturopathy. Naturopathy and Ayurveda are both natural and clinical sciences that, help people to feel better and reach their optimal health goals more specifically. Naturopathy’s approach is based on...

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