joint pain Causes,types and Treatments in Ayurveda

joint pain Causes,types and Treatments in Ayurveda

Ayurveda is considered one of India’s most natural treatments for body healing. This is focused on the principle of encouraging good health instead of fighting disease.

Osteoarthritis is a very serious degenerative joint condition caused by the aging of the joints, sometimes due to joint damage and most often due to obesity or overweight.

Causes of arthritis

1. Injury 

2. Metabolic abnormalities

3. Direct and indirect effect of infections

4. Hereditary factors

5. A misdirected autoimmune mechanism

Symptoms of Arthritis 

Symptoms and signs of joint pain may include

1. Joint swelling.

2. Redness in joints.

3. Tenderness.

4. Warmth in the joint.

5. Difficulty in walking.

6. Locking of the joint.

7. Loss of range of motion of the joint.

8. Stiffness.

9. Weakness.

Joint pain in Ayurveda can be divided into different parts depending on the factor attributing to it.

1. Traumatic joint diseases.

2. Degenerative joint diseases.

3. Inflammatory joint diseases.

Ayurveda treatments are decides based on these three categories depending on the chronicity and the severity of joint pain, Ayurveda treatments are Very effective management for pain in osteoarthritis.

Traumatic joint diseases

Traumatic arthritis caused by an injury or a fracture. Such injuries can damage the cartilage and cause pain and stiffness over a period of time.

knee joint pain treatment in kerala arthritis treatment
Traumatic joint diseases

The traumatic joint can be to the joints either to the soft tissues, the tendons, the ligaments, or the meniscus and various other tissues involving the joint.  And trauma leads injuries to the soft tissues like the tendon, ligaments, or the meniscus and leads to pain in the joint.

Degenerative joint diseases

Degenerative problems are usually seen in old age, degenerative joint pain occurs due to continuous use of these joints, in Ayurveda called sandhi gata vata or called osteoarthritic changes.

knee joint pain treatment in kerala
Sandhi gata vata or osteoarthritic changes

The complete destruction of the soft tissues leading to the bone to bone rubbing and the symptoms like pain stiffness and Such Thing arises.

In ayurveda degenerative joint diseases called as Sandigadha vata and considered as a vata disorder. Orally medicines are given initially to arrest the progress of this degeneration and then further rejuvenating the joints is the primary goal.

Ayurveda herbs, like rasna shallaki ,guggulu etc are used to prevent the rapid progression of osteoarthritis and thus help in reducing pain.

External therapies also play a very important role usually the oil-based therapies,abhyanga,swedana,various lepham, pizhichil treatment followed by njavarakizhi are the primary treatments in Ayurveda for arresting the degeneration and also for rejuvenating the joints.

Ayurveda medicines reduce pain by reducing inflammation in the joints by improving lubrication inside the joint and also by strengthening the Joint structure itself.

Inflammatory joint diseases

The next category is the inflammatory joint issues. The inflammatory joint lesions could be because of the accumulation of toxic, in Ayurveda and categorized under ama-vata.

Inflammatory joint diseases

When it comes to inflammatory joint issues, accumulated toxic material has to clear out using oral medications.

If the pain is very severe or osteoarthritis has been experienced for a very long time then Ayurveda treatments such as Panchakarma, various Ayurveda massages, oil baths are very effective in reducing pain.

For example for knee osteoarthritis, which is very common due to this lot of people facing problems when squatting, climbing upstairs, sitting down, or sitting cross-legged. 

A very common Ayurvedic treatment called Janu Basti is used for this knee osteoarthritis, in which oil is placed in the knee region and helps bring down knee joint pain very quickly.

Janu Basti

In Sanskrit, the knee joint is called Janu Sandhi, hence the name Janu Basti is given to the knee joints procedure. In this, the knee joint is bathed in warm medicated oil for a fixed duration of time.

Depending on the condition it can be practiced over both the knee joints. Knee joints in Ayurveda are considered as sandhi marma. Therefore, Janu Basti is specialized knee therapy that rejuvenates Janu marma.

Benefits of Janu Basti

1. Relief from knee pain.

2. Lessens the stiffness in the knee joint.

3. Reduce inflammation and swelling in knee joints.

4. Helps in improving the movements of joints.

5. Makes the knee joints stronger.

6. Helps in improving the blood supply to the knee joints.

Herbal ingredients for reducing inflammation, pain, and swelling.


Powerful Cur-cumin substance in turmeric, help reduce inflammation in the body.


Ginger is the most valuable herb in the world of Ayurveda for healing and rejuvenating. It also has anti-inflammatory properties which aid in reducing pain and inflammation.


Ashwagandha helps to increase natural killer cell activity and decrease markers of inflammation.


Shatavari has anti-inflammatory properties helps to reducing the signs like pain and cramp.

Ayurveda treatments like panchakarma therapies along with appropriate diet and lifestyle help in managing pain in osteoarthritis to know more about the treatments visit link

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