Ayurveda shirodhara – BENEFITS

Ayurveda shirodhara – BENEFITS

Do you feel tired and restless? Do you think that your daily stress can last you through depression? Then you should go for an Ayurveda Shirodhara.

There are hundreds of Therapies in Ayurveda. But the most popular and all-in-one is Shirodhara. In ayurveda, the name Shirodhara comes from the classic Sanskrit word Shiro meaning forehead and Dhara means flow.

Shirodhara includes gently pouring oil over the forehead of a person in order to treat the elements associated with the nervous system. Shirodhara in Ayurveda is a 75 minutes procedure with begins with 30 minutes of an initial full body massage, otherwise called as Abhiyangham and 30 minutes of Dhara.

What are the types of Shirodhara?

The liquid used on the conditions for which it is advised accordingly medicated oils, milk, buttermilk, etc can be used for Shirodhara.

1. Kashaya Dhara

If shirodhara uses herbal extracts It’s termed as Kashayadhara,

2. Dugadha Dhara (Ksheerdhara)

If you use milk for shirodhara its called ksheerdhhara.

3. Kwatha Dhara (Decoction):

Depending upon the diagnosed condition or dosha imbalance, the main ingredient in kwatha dhara consists of decoctions made by using various herbs.

4. Takradhara

If it uses buttermilk its called Takradhara.

5. Jala Dhara (Aqueous formulation):

Generally used in case of Pitta imbalance in the body. It uses coconut water as the main ingredient for the treatment.

What are the benefits of Shirodhara?

1. Reduces Anxiety and stress

The act of pouring oil on your forehead can have an immediate impact on the body’s anxiety and stress levels leaving a person feeling more Mindful and relaxed. If you are experiencing fear, insecurity, or doubts Shirodhara is best for you.

2. Sleep Disorders.

When mixed with milk and special herbs the oil used in Shirodhara that I can help stimulate the parts of the body responsible for this sleep-wake cycle, by doing so you can compensate for any imbalances and minimize insomnia and other sleep problems.

3. Headaches

As a result, Shirodhara specifically targets the area of the forehead where many nerves are located. The process will help to alleviate headaches and other pain in the head and neck area.

4. Hypertension.

Shirodhara as part of the Pancha Karma treatment process can dramatically reduce the body’s blood pressure and Elevate the typical signs of hypertension if you want to prevent any heart disease caused by hypertension that you must find an ayurvedic treatment center near you.

5. Post-traumatic stress disorder PTSD

PTSD hat stands for post-traumatic stress disorder. Ayurvedic medical practitioners now have a much better idea of what called PTSD and it’s now believed that PTSD results from the bodies’ exist of vatta Dosha. So in order to make full use of Shiro Dhara treatment, it’s important to combine Certain herbs in the oil in order to restore the body’s Dosha balance.

6. Jet Lag.

Similar to the way it acts on the body sleep-wake cycle Shirodhara treatment can also help to reset the body’s natural rhythms when you are traveling, especially if traveling from multiple time zones, Shirodhara can help you to get your body back on its regular cycle sooner than you ever thought possible.

7. Anger and irritability

Feelings such as anger, irritability, and frustration are typical symptoms of your body Pitta Dosha imbalance. Shirodhara will help to formulate a personalized treatment customized to your body that will bring you back to normal.

8. Fatigue

While many people assume that fatigue is a purely physical phenomenon, but in Ayurveda have known for centuries that fatigue is caused by the unique mix of mental emotional and spiritual factors as well. So there could not be anything better than Shirodhara.

9. Depression

Many reception of Shirodhara treatment report lightning of their mood and reduction in feelings of Gloom, pessimism, and depression .

10. Low energy

There may be various regions in your life why you are feeling low in energy. It could be part of its natural aging process. Shirodhara can help remove this in balance to boost your overall energy levels.

Who should not have a shirodhara ?

1. Pregnant women .

2. Those who have any kind of allergy to oil should not be taken without medical advice.

3. Those who have pain in the neck or any type of nose injury or tumor.

4. Before Shirodhara, please consult the ayurveda experts

What should avoid and follow after Shirodhara ?

1. Follow Vata Dosha diet.

2. Avoid fast food for minimum 7 days to get maximum benefits .

3. Do not wash your head with any Chemical soap or Shampoo.

4. If you feel any type of allergy after treatment please contact to doctor.

Is there any side effect for this treatment ?

This Ayurvedic Therapy is natural Ayurvedic therapy with no any side effect which we can adopt in daily life also , but if you have some allergy with oil please consult therapist before get this Ayurvedic therapy.

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